intuitively guiding you to

Heal Your Mind, Body, & Soul.

Your Intuition will lead you to your path of vibrant health & healing.
Your Soul has the answers you are looking for.

You are your own best healer.

I welcome you to discover this part of yourself!

Welcome to Soul Fam Wellness!

Every twist and turn of life happens for a reason, and finding yourself here is no exception. Whether it’s a physical, emotional, or spiritual block that has been burdening you, we will guide you towards the release and balance you’ve been searching for. At Soul Fam Wellness, we fully embody and believe in a holistic approach to overall health and wellbeing while holding a space of love and full support for our clients. We look forward to guiding you on your healing journey!

Let Your intuition guide you.

Discover more below.

  • Alignment Activation

    — Signature 1:1 Offering —

    Do you desire to invite more alignment into your life? Do you feel like your health challenges are keeping you from moving forward? What if I told you the true healing and aligned life you're looking for is created, not found? In 60 min we'll activate the energy of alignment into every cell of your being so that you can receive the clarity, direction, and healing you've been searching for.

  • ASCEND 1:1 Coaching

    Multidimensional Health Coaching

    This highly exclusive 1:1 coaching program is for the woman who desires a deep level of intuitive guidance and support to heal the root of your health challenges. THIS is the space for you when you are fully committed and ready to see ALL of yourself! It’s time to shed your old self and experience a profound inner rebirth in this unique space of multidimensional healing!

  • Lindsey Walker

    Energetic Health Coach, Intuitive Healer, & Breathwork Detox Teacher

    Learn more about the woman behind Soul Fam Wellness.


Follow @soulfamwellness on Instagram.