Hi, I am Lindsey Walker.

The woman behind Soul Fam Wellness. I am a multi-passionate spiritual being whose personal health journey has been my greatest teacher. When my health and true essence for life was put in jeopardy, it was the root cause holistic path to health that allowed my body to heal from what felt like disconnected symptoms. It has been an experience that led me to help others re-discover the joy and happiness in life that you have the power to create. My ultimate goal and passion in this lifetime is to spread love and raise the frequency of the collective.

When trying what felt like every modality I could find to resolve my symptoms, I discovered most practitioners only focused on the physical level. It was not until I found practices that addressed the mind, body, and soul together as one that I felt myself being able to heal. I believe this is a missing perspective for many people’s health challenges.

My Story

Many people don’t care about their health until it’s gone.

We abuse our bodies and hide our feelings to avoid facing reality. It’s so simple and yet is still a common start to a health crash. This is the beginning of my story.

Everything in life is energy.

Energy is meant to flow, not stay stagnant. When we trap any energy, we stop that flow and create blocks. You may not be able to see these blocks with your two physical eyes, but they are there and you will feel them eventually. These blocks can even manifest into physical symptoms because your body is always communicating with you.

You just have to listen.


As a child I was very active, always running around outside, biking and hiking with my family, or playing team sports. My mom is a fantastic cook and always made incredible healthy meals to sustain my never ending list of activities.

College Lindsey

When going off to college, I no longer had my personal mom chef to provide me with nutritious food 24/7, so like any college student, I ate at Jimmy Johns at 2am way too many nights, and thought deli meat wraps at the dining hall was the road to health. This was coupled with the true college experience of discovering parties and alcohol. For four years my liver (and entire body) took a pretty huge hit.

I was sick more days than I was well, prioritizing my social life over sleep. I popped whatever pills I was told I needed to keep going, and pushed my body more than it wanted. Half way through college I added to my overflowing stress bucket by starting high intensity circuit and weight-training workouts for all the wrong reasons. I did it to look a certain way and to compensate for my poor food choices, excessive alcohol intake, and low self-esteem. It was my true double-edged sword, I loved the competition and community, and I loved getting stronger and more confident in my body. Unfortunately coupled with my traditional college lifestyle, it most likely did more damage that I cared to admit at the time.

The beginning of my health journey

In 2016 I had just graduated college and was preparing for a big move to Texas to start my first full-time job as a Software Engineer for a big corporate company. It was my dream job at the time and I was truly excited for this next chapter in my life. The relationships in my life at the time did not serve me well, but I chose to ignore my true feelings until it physically broke me. That summer, I began feeling an intense tightness in my chest and episodes of difficulty breathing. This only sent my anxiety higher, which made the ability to breathe much more difficult. I drove myself to urgent care by myself multiple times, only leaving with new prescriptions and more questions than answers. I started seeing more doctors searching for answers, but I was only left feeling defeated and gaslit by all of them. Although Western medicine absolutely has a time and place, it was failing me in this particular season and I knew I needed to look elsewhere.

Later the next year after I began dating my now husband, I began to feel more supported in my life. My health issues still continued, but I began to feel a pull towards a more holistic and natural way of viewing them. A few diet changes and support supplements allowed me to turn a positive corner.

Emotions and Energy

After turning to supplements and eliminating foods that were deemed inflammatory to my body at the time, I couldn’t understand why I was still having these breathing attacks. At the beginning of 2020, they reached a level that was too difficult to ignore. It was time to pivot again. I began working with a woman remotely that facilitated the release of trapped emotions. It was something I truly knew nothing about at the time, but felt desperate and open to try anything.

I worked with her for about 10 months. In that time, it felt as if this dense blanket (mainly made up of fear) was slowly lifting. I felt like my true self was coming out of the shadows. It was also the only noticeable change that silenced my frequent anxiety and trouble breathing. These symptoms still have a tendency to pop up every now and then in a very mild form, but they no longer take over my body, making me feel helpless as I did in the past.

After experiencing the incredible healing that this energy work has brought to my life, I began learning how to do it myself. I knew I was meant to bring this healing to others who also may be struggling and looking for answers.

Nutrition and physical root cause

Most recently my efforts have been spent learning more about nutrition and the power of nutrient-dense whole foods. This has supported my body on a foundational level while I have fully moved away from believing in any kind of diet culture. Everyone is bioindividual and each person will find a different way of eating that works best for them in each season of life. I have tweaked my own way of eating several times, but I believe the most beneficial nutrition mindset is to focus on eating foods in their original form, as best as possible.

Instead of grasping for temporary band-aid fixes, I have begun digging into the “why” of my symptoms. I believe everything has a root cause on the physical, emotional, and/or spiritual level. Sometimes it all may be connected, but there is always a reason.

Symptoms are not a sign that you are broken. This is your body’s form of communication and it is trying to tell you something. The more you ignore the message, the louder the message (symptom) becomes.

My Beliefs as a practitioner

I believe the body does not make mistakes.
I believe the body heals itself.
I believe healing looks different for everyone.
I believe healing means something different to everyone.
I believe true healing happens when you fully
love and accept ALL of yourself.
I believe there are many ways to heal. The one that works for you is the one that YOU
believe will work.

I do not believe there is one destination of healing. I believe healing is part of the journey as a human and each person’s journey will look different. My goal as a practitioner is to support you on your health journey, no matter what that looks like for you. I only offer services and modalities that I truly believe in and use myself. I will always be transparent. If my knowledge, opinions, or beliefs change, I will make sure my services reflect that. I believe it is possible to feel joy and happiness everyday, without symptoms burdening your life. My goal is to guide you on your path to make that statement your reality.

I have crossed paths with many people in life who have supported me in one area or another, and I look forward to supporting you in yours.

Lindsey’s Practitioner Certifications