Are you interested in getting to the root of your health concerns?

If so, you’re in the right place and I’m so excited to guide you towards becoming a more RESILIENT version of yourself!

Get to the root cause of your health concerns by understanding what may be stressing your human biofield. Utilizing the power of energy testing and a bioindividual protocol of frequency tested balancing remedies.

Do you want to learn more? Download our
“Bioenergetics Guide to becoming a more RESILIENT version of you” here!

  • "I've suffered from many health issues for several years, some undiagnosed. Lindsey quickly identified key problems, including a blocked lymphatic drainage which prevented me from sweating. She patiently explained the issues, guided me through an effective treatment protocol, and now, after unblocking my drainage pathways, I can regulate my core body temperature and sweat. Lindsey is truly one of a kind - I highly recommend her!"

    - Margaret C.

  • "Lindsey was able to resolve a chronic drainage and continuous cough I have been plagued with for over 20 years. Her muscle testing, review of my symptoms and use of a bioresonance scan was accurate after the first session. Her recommendations stopped my symptoms by 95% after the first week of using her balancing remedies. Her recommendations were very simple and easy to incorporate into my daily routine. I am beyond thankful for her targeting my symptoms the very first time and getting me immediate results. As a result, I sleep deeper and longer. This increased quality sleep alone makes me feel better than I have in years as a result of clearing this chronic problem. I can’t thank her enough for her help that not one other health professional could resolve. Thank you Lindsey!!"

    - John

  • "Working with Lindsey has been a great experience! She used the CBH [bioresonance] scan to see what my body needed to work on and which supplements were best for me. Then she takes the results and looks for root causes. Then she uses muscle testing to see which supplements you actually need and can handle, and tailors the protocol just for you. She is very thorough about explaining things and uses other modalities as well to help you on your healing journey. Her intuitive readings and healings are insightful and helpful. As a sensitive body her method has been effective without causing any major reactions. Her approach is not the throw a bunch of supplements at you and tell you to come back in 6 weeks and let me know how it went."

    - Lisa

  • "The RESILIENT session by Lindsey at Soul Fam Wellness was informative in its offering and potential outcomes. Lindsey provided clear expectations on what the bioresonance scan entailed.  I have seen improvement in my skin and overall physical performance since starting the recommended protocol."

    - Jared

Please note:
There are two different types of session options.
One for adults & children and a separate one for my animal clients.

Please make sure to read the session title & description before booking.

Book a session to becomE a more

RESILIENT version of you

For yourself or a family member

For your for Pets

These appointment options listed below are for furry friends only!

PLEASE NOTE: Booking is NOT available any sooner than 3 weeks away. This is because your bioresonance scan will be ordered on the day you book your appointment. The scans usually take about 1 week to ship and arrive at your door. After that, you must conduct the test at home (following instructions on the box you receive), ship your test kit back, and then await your test results which can take 1-2 weeks to receive. If your results are available sooner than your scheduled appointment date, we can work on rescheduling to an earlier date if available.

My calendar opens on a rolling 60 days. If you don’t see an appointment time you are looking for but that date is more than 60 days away from the current date, please wait until that date is available for booking on my schedule.

Use this booking link if the buttons above aren’t working