7 FREE High-Vibe Tips To Support Your Body

Happy Solar Eclipse in Aries week! (happening tonight, Wednesday 4/19)

The energy in the air this week is stirring up and clearing out the old to prepare for the birth of the new! I can feel it myself, and everyone around me is reflecting back that same frequency.

Change and transformation is upon us!
The light frequencies are coming in and us humans are receiving the upgrades (whether you want them or not!)

Be sure to support your body this week.
Your body is the human vessel for your soul.
It's your Earthly container.
You must take care of your meat suit!

To get started, here are 7 FREE tips you can use to raise your frequency and support your body during this time of intense energetic shifts.

  1. DITCH the tap water → Drink filtered water ONLY!

    • Filtered water, spring water, distilled water (+ minerals to this one)… whichever type of water you prefer is great! ANYTHING except tap water (I personally don't recommend alkaline either but that's a topic for another day)

    • Hydration is KEY to a high-vibe, thriving body!

    • There's too much crap in tap water for your body to be able to absorb it at all and the toxins in there are.. so gross! (If you want the details, look up your area's water quality. Enter at your own risk)

    • **BONUS water tip!!!**

      • Charge and/or structure your water

      • This can be done with crystals, pyramids, writing high-vibe words (i.e. LOVE) on your water bottle (or writing the word on a piece of paper and putting it next to your glass) OR simply using your thoughts and intention! Your thoughts are energy and they are powerful!!

      • If you want to know the exact crystal charging water bottle I use DAILY, I'll link it here. I can absolutely tell a huge difference in how my body absorbs the water after being charged in this bottle vs RO filtered water. (I'm not an affiliate and I know it's not free, but I'm sharing because I've already been asked about it several times! The one I use is called “The Queen”, they also have “The King” and MANY other crystal blends to choose from!)

  2. Sunshine is the best time!

    • If you can't remember the last time your bare skin saw the sun without sunscreen, we need to talk!

    • Letting your bare skin see the rays of the sun is so healing! Both to your circadian rhythm but also to your body as a whole.

    • Start with 5-10 minutes (if it's been a while) and work your way up to 30 minute sessions daily!

  3. Sleep will make or break your day

    • Want great quality sleep? STOP starring at your phone up to the second before your head hits your pillow! Ideally step away from ALL screens 1-2 hours before bed (if you're like “Ha yeah right, that's not happening!”… keep reading)

    • Put that phone away (AND on airplane mode while you sleep)

    • If you are working late some nights, protect your eyes from the intense blue light by wearing blue light blocking glasses (like I'm currently using as I write this email late at night). FYI… TV screens count too.

    • OR if you're using your phone late at night, follow these instructions to toggle your phone screen to a red tint which will minimize the negative impacts of blue light

  4. Listen to your body

    • Your body will give you indications of whether or not you can take on more tasks, more stress, more activities OR if it's completely tapped out and wants to REST… but YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION to the signs!

    • Low energy? Didn't sleep well? Haven't eaten enough food? Extra stressful work day? Well, then it's probably NOT the day to drag yourself to the gym for yet another stressful activity (aka working out)

    • Your body doesn't know the difference between different types of stress. Stress is stress. The end. So if your cup is already full, adding more to your cup WILL NOT help.

    • On the contrary… if you are feeling inspired, full of energy, and ready to take on the day, GO FOR IT! Don't wait around for someone else to give you the motivation to create your dream life! Ride that energy wave when you have it!

  5. Eat nutrient dense foods

    • I'm not going to get into this in much detail because the food that is best for YOU is bioindividual… BUT eating the most high quality foods you have access to will absolutely support your body!

    • When possible: organic, grass-fed, glyphosate free, straight from the farm or your own backyard. The closer you can get to the direct source, the better!

    • Quick check: If you see a high quality source of protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and veggies on every plate you eat, your body will thank you! (portion sizes and exact amounts are bioindividual)

    • Also make sure you're eating enough food. Many people are actually under-eating, or at the very least under-eating nutrient dense foods. If you don't provide your body with good quality fuel (aka food) your healing, muscle building, weight loss, and just daily energy will suffer!

  6. Graceful meditation

    • When you're not feeling your best, sometimes meditation is the LAST thing you want to do (especially if your upgrades come in by way of a headache like mine!). But we don't need to make meditation complicated. Keep it simple and relaxing.

    • Turn on a healing tones or solfeggio frequencies playlist, sit in your favorite chair with a cozy blanket and just relax.

    • Don't try to overdo it and connect with your spirit guides or read energy. If you receive downloads during this time, GREAT, but when you're assisting your physical body's healing, now is not the time to be searching for answers from your higher self. It can wait!

    • The goal is to remove daily life distractions (like scrolling social media, work tasks, and whatever else you have going on) and just be present. Allow your body to do what it already knows how to do… heal.

  7. Grounding

    • Make contact with the Earth. Period.

    • Take off your shoes and socks and let your bare feet touch the soil, grass, dirt, rocks, whatever you got going on outside your door!

    • You WILL feel the energy of Mother Gaia immediately.

    • It can reduce inflammation and reduce stress. Pair this with your daily sunshine and you're golden!

    • Physically grounding after your meditation can be very helpful as well, especially if you're someone that “floats” or journeys away easily.

All of these tips can (and IMO should) absolutely be applied to your daily life! They’re not just for when you’re not feeling well. But if this is all new information to you, it’s best to go slow and implement one tip at a time to avoid any feelings of overwhelm. Implementation is KEY to consuming new information.

Give your body grace and do your best with the resources you have!


Twerking, crying, & screaming is so healing!