Twerking, crying, & screaming is so healing!

Originally written and referencing the energy on June 13, 2023

What the bananas was this past weekend???

Like for real! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling MAJOR shifts in the energy field just within this past week/weekend.
I'm not even remotely the same person I was before all this! Do we need a reintroduction? What about you? How are you feeling?

For starters, we had the Schumann Resonance going off the charts bringing in a lot of planet shifting light frequency from about Wednesday 6/7 to Friday 6/9. If you're a healer or light worker (btw, you don't have to have the title of “healer” to be one! Some trainers at my gym are healers, teachers can be healers, anyone can do any profession and still be a healer and light worker!), your body and energy field are being cleared out!

My personal experience with this energy was right in the middle of driving by myself to another city, then my body deciding to hard-core detox, AND to top it all off I was driving into a thunderstorm that was essentially unavoidable… all at the same time! More on all that later!

For me personally, I attended the most powerful and transformative weekend of my entire life hosted by the one and only, Sahara Rose! She and her Dharma Coaching Institute founders hosted the Highest Self Weekend for the 300 beautiful humans in attendance to collectively work through and FEEL the emotions of our past that we never let ourselves express, so that we can step into our highest selves now!

It was my solo trip mixed with making new aligned friends, mixed with embodying and expressing my highest self. For me this was a weekend packed with difficult lessons around every corner. Some I had to learn on my own while others were definitely meant for the group setting. 

Life is meant to be FELT. But anything you've suppressed in years past that you haven't released in some way, can fester in your body and cause dis-ease. Feeling alllllll the feels allows you to experience the full spectrum of life which is one of the main reasons we incarnated on this Earth as humans!

However, on day 1 of this event I did not feel like this was the greatest weekend ever and I was resisting all the feels. I was still holding myself back, feeling uncomfortable not knowing anyone, feeling awkward crying and feeling my emotions in front of so many people. It was an internal battle because I wanted so badly to just fully express myself and be in the moment, and put it all out on the table like everyone else. But I was too busy worrying what others would think of me.

Day 1 me following my soul nudge of going to this thing entirely by myself, but still feeling awkward and uncomfortable being at a giant event solo.

For 3 days straight, we revisited our inner child, inner teenager, and connected with our highest self. Truly feeling and FULLY expressing any emotion that came up during this experience. And I mean ANY emotion! That shit was felt loud and proud, let me tell ya! Picture 300 (mostly women) screaming, crying, laughing, giggling, dancing, twerking, hugging, full on expressing the depths of their emotions and not holding back. All while making new friends and deep connections.

So yeah, I may have showed up there by myself, but my goodness, when you embrace other humans in such great depths like that, you truly know them on a soul level within minutes! There's just no way on this planet you're leaving this experience feeling alone!

It was probably the single most uncomfortable thing but also the best thing I've ever done in my entire life.

For me, it took until day 3 (pictured below) until I truly felt comfortable, and allowed myself to just be who I was in that moment without holding back. Yes, it took me that long but it was clearly a lesson I needed to learn. And as soon as I made the choice to not feel alone in a sea of genuinely loving people, that's when I attracted in the most conversations and connections (yes on the last day, but thank goodness for IG to stay connected!).

For me, it took until day 3 (pictured here) until I truly felt comfortable, and allowed myself to just be who I was in that moment without holding back. Yes, it took me that long but it was clearly a lesson I needed to learn. And as soon as I made the choice to not feel alone in a sea of genuinely loving people, that's when I attracted in the most conversations and connections (yes on the last day, but thank goodness for IG to stay connected!).

These beautiful soul level connections would have NEVER happened if I would have just stayed in my comfort zone. Either not have attended the event OR even holding back and continuing to play out the story that “I was alone” and “I didn't have any friends there”. Those were definitely options I could have taken. Of course I'm so glad I didn't!

I'm not sure making friends as an adult gets easier, but when you allow your true self to shine, at least you'll attract in the most aligned people for you in that moment!

NOW… for the last piece I promised to touch on at the beginning.

One of the experiences we practiced multiple times during these 3 days was about how to receive. You may be thinking “okay, how hard is that?”. Well, when you're an empath and just LOVE to help others (which I'm willing to bet you probably are), it's not always the easiest thing to do.

Not only did I practice this lesson at the event, but I had a bonus lesson that came early! I would NOT have been able to be physically present at this weekend of events without asking for help on Friday morning.

Like I mentioned at the beginning, I embarked on this trip alone. AND with all the light energy hitting the planet PLUS whatever upgrades were starting to effect my body from just the pure choice of going to this event were all probably starting to come in at once. So on a physical level, my body was on full-on detox mode at the most inopportune time.

For the sake of my entire experience, I texted a friend Friday morning for some energetic assistance. Asking for help when I knew I needed it. And allowing myself to receive support from her all day long, without trying to return the favor. I know that day will come when I will be a service and can give to her, but giving and receiving isn't about keeping score.


We're not meant to live this life alone. Giving and receiving is the natural flow of life but we must know when to ask for help and truly receive what is given to us.


The art of letting go what no longer serves the current version of you


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