Trust & Surrender… life’s lessons

Is it just me or did November fly by but also last forever at the same time?

What is time anymore these days??


I know for me personally, my month dumped some lessons and new energy that my body is still trying to integrate, and I'm sharing it ALL with you here!


Recently, I have been bombarded with really learning how to trust and surrender in this game of life (let's be real, I'm still learning this). It has been coming up in daily life experiences as well as in books I'm reading and Instagram posts I've scrolled past. Which is really a lesson about leaning into your intuition more and trusting your soul.


This story I'm about to share has literally been waiting to come out for WEEKS! But ya know… life, holidays, and my other lists of excuses has kept it sitting in my brain, waiting to be shared with you!


Do you ever notice how much you learn from just the smallest change to your day-to-day life?


Going out to dinner for date night can feel like just a nice way to spend time with your significant other and keep your relationship thriving (which is definitely reason enough to do it). But I also find myself walking away from those dinners with a whole new outlook on life, or realizing a new trigger, or just a new awareness that came to light!


I notice similar lessons when traveling except these are usually on a much larger scale!


That 2 hour dinner's got nothin on a week trip with family to the snowy frozen tundra of Alaska… in November… to watch your dad's final flight (yes he was the pilot) and celebrate his retirement after 30 years. Trust me, you're going to learn a thing or two about trusting and surrendering after you hear this one – at my nervous system's expense!


As you may or may not know, I find safety and security when I feel like I can control a situation. I'm sure you can relate to this on some level. Of course this is my ego trying to keep me safe when my intuition is trying to send me on my soul's highest path which usually makes no logical sense.


Our ego is always trying to keep us safe (hello root chakra!), and handing over the driver's seat to someone else to keep you safe can be nerve racking if you don't fully trust them or the situation at hand. This is classic survival mode stuff.


While on our family trip to Alaska earlier this month to celebrate my dad's retirement as a captain flying big a$$ airplanes for the last 30 years, good ol' Alaska decided to do what it does best in the winter… dump buckets of snow! I know what you're thinking “Why are you surprised by this? You went to Alaska in the winter!” Yes I know, but I didn't think the 2nd week of November would be met with a record setting snowfall!


As you can see, we obviously fully leaned into the experience we were given and allowed ourselves to have the most wintery snowy Alaska experience there was! Yes, animal hats and all!

Now I'm from the driest, hottest state in the country… beautiful, but hot as h$ll Arizona. Me and snow are not exactly the best of friends when it coming to existing in it. I came to realize I LOVVVVVEEE to look at it through a window, but dealing with it in a vehicle triggered my nervous system like no other!


AND… because my history with snow is shorter than this email, of course I was the last driver anyone (including myself) would ever pick to drive in two feet of fresh fallen snow.


As I rode around in the back seat of my dad's friend's 4Runner all over Anchorage, AK, every trip tested my abilities to trust the current driver (my brother and dad were mostly the snow driving delegates) and surrender to whatever happened in the car during the duration.


Talk about a perfect 3D lesson for the metaphor of trusting your intuition!


The roads were complete and total s$!t from lack of plows. You would have thought we were off-roading the majority of each drive!


Spoiler alert… nothing bad happened. Just a few moments of drifting in the fresh fallen snow as the tires of the car struggled to find the ground.


But I was met with leaving my comfort zone every day just for food. We were staying at an AirBnb, so if we were going to eat, it wasn't going to be at the house!


I'm pretty sure I was the only one overreacting in this situation. All my other family members were much more comfortable in these weather conditions than I was.


It was such a polarizing experience because while driving on the roads sent my mind through a tailspin, I was also feeling like I went through a portal of activation just being in this location. 


I found such beauty in everything covered in snow, especially all the tall trees. Taking a walk through the snow in a forest filled park was one of the highlights of the trip!


If you joined the latest group healing circle, you know that the journey I took you on was very inspired by the scene of the backyard from our AirBnb. A view I will never forget.

Even the way our travel days played out was such a metaphor for my experience in this time-warped tundra. It was smooth sailing and such ease on the way there, while returning home felt like someone chewed me up and spit me out with no sleep and the type of back pain that takes you days to recover from. My body was clearly struggling with the integration of the new Alaskan winter energy!


While my mind was learning its own lessons from lack of control and learning to surrender to what was, my body was having its own experience whenever I allowed my fears and worries to grow and fester longer than necessary. See my IG Reel for the story I shared about what happened on our trip.


This is why getting out of your comfort zone and surrendering to whatever situation you're faced with will expand your mind and nervous system more than staying locked inside your house and fighting to control every moment of your life.


If you want to keep growing and expanding, it's going to feel uncomfortable and maybe a little fearful (and may not make sense). The trick is to let yourself feel the fears and let them go. Instead of what I did which was feel worried and fearful all at once, and keeping them inside my body to ultimately mess with my stomach at dinner (if you watched my reel, you'll know what I'm talking about).


I share this experience and thoughts to show you a real life example of your ego and intuition can play out in lessons in your physical reality. Your body and mind can have beautiful activations at the same time you're feeling triggered or unsettled.


AND… none of this was a “bad” experience. It was just lots of learning and expanding for me.


There's no way I would have learned to trust and surrender in such a deep and physical way by sitting in my house and not having these very tangible experiences.


There's no way I could have seen the correlation between my stomach ache and my fears without having the experience and then taking a pause to understand the chain of events that contributed to my body on an energetic level.


There's no way I would have had the inspiration of a snowy forest for the group healing circle if I didn't fly 7 hours to Alaska in the freezing cold winter snow. It wouldn't have been in my awareness without my human experience.


Trust that the support team you have around you, whether that's your family and friends or also includes your spirit guides and angels, are guiding you to the experiences your soul is asking for.


And also, allow yourself to be activated by your life's experiences! You don't always have to be sitting still in meditation to heal and learn the lessons your soul came here to learn! You're in a human body for a reason! To experience this wild life in the physical body you were given.


And if you are realizing your body's telling you more stories than you can keep up with, I invite you to book a Soul Embodiment Reading. We'll dive into how your health challenges are connected to your soul's path and purpose and move the stuck energy that may be keeping you feeling frustrated. It's a session that will ignite your body and soul to empower you to heal yourself!


$hit hit the fan when I did this!


The art of letting go what no longer serves the current version of you