The art of letting go what no longer serves the current version of you

What if letting go of the things you're holding on to the tightest meant allowing space for what you're actually calling in?

I heard this concept recently and I've sat with it a few times over the past few months.

But for whatever reason (the energy, the planets) something has me finally putting this concept into practice and purging the physical items that represent the “old” me and vibrations that once served me but are no longer doing me any good.


Have you ever felt a huge upgrade in yourself, but then looked around your space and realized so many things still represent the person you used to be? This has been what has happened to me over the last week. And maybe it's because I also see the same items from a different perspective and am now giving things a different meaning.

As humans we can become so attached to items.
We make each thing mean something to us.
You may look at a piece of clothing and immediately begin playing out an old story in your head. Because that's the story you've attached to that item.

It's mostly subconscious when we do this.

But I believe it becomes harmful to our growth when we're evolving and changing (as all humans literally do all the time!) in our personality, mental, emotional, and spiritual space, but then we insist on keeping our physical environment exactly the same.

Meanwhile, all the items that no longer serve you (maybe it's clothes, accessories, books, home decor, friends, whatever it is for you) are still holding the energy of your old frequency. So as you're currently raising your frequency, your environment is pulling you back to the old you.


Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth!
No wonder your body is so confused!
Ascend, stay put, ascend, stay put… aaaaahhhhhh!

And maybe you're thinking “okay I get it, I need to get rid of things, but I'm just so attached to everything I own!”

Now look, I'm not saying you should become a complete minimalist and not enjoy the physical world (I am far from that myself!).
But, I am saying that I guarantee you've changed in some ways over the last few weeks, months, or years.

The next time you go into your closet to find something to wear, do a quick inventory. Look at each item and ask yourself…
“When was the last time I wore this?”
“Why did I buy it in the first place?”
“Would I wear it today? Why or why not?”
“Does this represent the person I am today OR the person I am actively becoming?”

You can apply these types of questions to all kinds of things, not just clothes, but it's the easiest example, in my opinion.

Maybe your values have changed and that's why it's no longer aligned. You don't have to keep something just because it fits or for any other logical reason your brain will come up with. It can just be that “it doesn't feel right anymore".


This past week I collected 3 giant bags worth of clothes for donation. I heard a video talking about the frequency of different clothing fabric and that was enough to send me on a closet cleansing frenzy! From what I now understand, linen and organic cotton are the highest frequency fabrics available (as far as summer clothes go) while polyester, and other fabric names that come from plastic, should be avoided (if possible).

Many of the clothes I decided to remove from my wardrobe just didn't feel like me anymore. I was keeping them around “just in case”.

Now of course my entire closet is not all linen and organic cotton (although my future purchases will be prioritized as such when I can), but with the knowledge I have about frequency in our world, I now see fabric differently than I used to. I picked up the same shirt I’ve worn for months (maybe years) and it’s like I was standing there holding it from a new angle. It’s just something I didn’t see (or care about) before!

So now when I look at my clothes, if it's a lower vibrational fabric, but I still love the clothing and it feels like me, I'm keeping it. But if it's low-vibe AND it's just here because I felt bad getting rid of it and haven't worn it in years… time to go!


Moving on to other objects in my life I now view differently…

Then over the weekend, I saw a post about piercings, which specifically mentioned navel piercings. This person talked about how this specific type of piercing can block the energetic flow of your meridians, impact your connective tissue and potentially contribute to symptoms of constipation and issues with your menstrual cycle. An hour later, I removed my belly button ring which has been a part of me and my identity for the last 11 years.

Both of these purges did not happen because someone on Instagram said “you should do this”. No.
Those ideas may have been catalysts, but for me these ideas immediately set off alarms in my head to purge.

I started to realize why I brought these things into my life in the first place. 

And the overwhelming consensus of everything I felt the need to part-with was that I was trying to be a version of myself that I thought other people would like.

At 18 years old, I thought getting my belly button pierced would motivate me to workout more so that I would have abs, so that I would feel confident in my body, and so boys would like me. I saw other girls have one at the time, and I thought “that's what I need to feel pretty”. It was also something I could do without parental consent for my 18th birthday, so there I went. Being all adult-like.

It's been 11 years since I thought back to that moment of why I got this in the first place. And as soon as I allowed myself to feel into 18-year-old Lindsey, I quickly realized those thoughts weren't me anymore. 

I'm confident in myself and in my body by just being me.
Having jewelry attached to my stomach didn't bring me confidence.
Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed displaying my body jewelry in swim suits and crop tops throughout these past 11 years. I don’t regret my decision at all! But I’m not the same woman I once was at 18. For me this was a cycle that was ready to be complete.

In fact, as soon as I removed it this past weekend, I went straight into my embodiment practice. Low and behold, I felt like I had so much more space to move in my body and it just felt so freeing! It was as if this simple piece of jewelry was unknowingly blocking myself from connecting with an entire part of my body! An important part at that.

Having a navel piercing or wearing clothes made out of polyester isn't “bad”, but those things no longer hold the frequencies that I personally want to surround my body with (for the most part; obviously I cleaned out my closet in a big way, but I’m not replacing my entire wardrobe in a snap).


The Universe will put ideas in your field when you are ready to see them.

You may also be presented with a thought or idea in your field but not be able to fully see it at first.

Nothing is good or bad (only humans put those labels on things) but there are different perspectives and different frequencies.

All of it exists, all the time, all at once… you just might only see one version at this time.

When you're ready to receive from a different angle, your perception will change!


Trust & Surrender… life’s lessons


Twerking, crying, & screaming is so healing!